Saturday, August 18, 2007

The real deal begins

Today was the last day of orientation, so now it's time to hit the books for real. After a brief Q&A session with upper class students, we were invited for free lunch and outdoor activities. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention MORE BEER! It is my assumption that even the water fountains in this place dispense ice cold brew. I guess you can't host a volleyball tournament without providing refreshments. I didn't participate in the outdoor activities or beer since I had some administrative tasks to wrap up before the semester starts. Plus, it was too damn hot and muggy. What I found interesting today was that they were offering beer before giving tours of the law library. Bringing a lot of liquored up law students into the QUIET ONLY sections makes sense to me. I started this afternoon by chipping away at loads of homework due for the first class on Monday. 6 hours later and I'm halfway done.

I can already see that the orientation session met its goal of teaching me to start thinking like a lawyer. Let me explain...Today I used the restroom at the law school and couldn't help but notice the sign above the urinal staring me in the face: "PLEASE FLUSH URINALS. THANK YOU." I started interrogating the sign. When should I flush? Before? After? During? How many times? Can I wait until tomorrow? That solidified my stance on knowing that I'm prepared for next week.

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