Monday, August 20, 2007

One up, one down

The first day of official class was today. I survived. The Socratic method was used by both professors, but since seats won't be assigned until Wednesday they elected to select volunteers from the crowd instead of randomly picking on those who may be unprepared. I did, however, hear from one of the other sections that the professor called out a name as soon as he opened the door without even setting up shop or giving an introduction. The student called upon was apparently drilled throughout the session with the professor pounding away at why he was wrong in so many different aspects. When the student was stuck with nowhere to go, the professor attacked another student. When the next student got stuck, he went right back to his original victim. So I guess I better be fully prepared for each and every session. My section had it much easier than that. The professors went around the room selecting those who sought out the competition. I decided to lay low (like many others) to get a feel for things. I want to know what to expect before I volunteer for punishment.

Apparently the popular saying around law schools is: "The first year they scare you to death; the second year they work you to death; and the third year they bore you to death."

I have a good law school vs. grizzly bear analogy, but I'll spare you the details until a later date.

Time to prepare for day 2.

1 comment:

In Debt I am said...

If you do a search with quotes, I'm number 1! Hooah!