Monday, August 6, 2007

The MNF theme song (hum along dammit) Da da da da, da da da da da da daaaa da da da dah...or something like that

It's approaching fast. Only four days remaining until the transformation from smart-ass engineer to crooked-ass lawyer begins. Of course, I had another bout of bad luck again just before the move. As if a $30K/year education doesn't set me back enough, I found a way to put a $1000 bump and gash in the side of my truck over the weekend. My stupidity took me sliding of the side of a brick wall in a friends driveway. The poor black beauty suffers its first (and hopefully last) major bruise. Oh well, shit happens. Nothing a little cash and beer can't fix. On a more uplifting note, I successfully moved into the new apartment this past Saturday. Priorities were met: 23 blocks from school and 1 block from the bar on the Mardi Gras parade route!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

It sounds like you should be all set for the parade. Hopefully you'll have time for a few beers amidst all of the reading. At least you won't run the risk of driving into any walls on the way to the parade :)