Thursday, November 29, 2007


I will be sharing my stress with you only sparingly for the next couple of weeks. One week from tonight is my first final. My new home contains many volumes of literacy works. I've found that the library on the main campus (for the non-law school majors) is open 24 hours during the final weeks of the semester. It's also nice and quiet. I forgot...undergraduates don't study, especially in the liberal arts. One of my friends clued me in on this new place. He said, "I found a quiet place on the main campus. The library. We don't have permission to park over there since we're not part of that campus, but it's worth the $10 ticket. I've accumulated one for each of the last 7 or 8 days." I'll just walk. The only problem is that part of campus is where all the students get mugged. Maybe if I walk with a gangster limp and Louisville slugger they'll leave me be.

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