Thursday, November 22, 2007

No cheese, just turkey

Other than a couple blurbs here and there, I was debating on writing anything during my final weeks of studying this semester. You're in luck though. Someone needs to hear me whine just so we all know that I'm still around. I heard that Coca-Cola was opening a new bottling plant down the road to help support my caffeine addiction during finals. I'm drinking more caffeine than beer. Now that's amazing.

In preparation for finals, I've finished re-reading all of the cases we've covered in Property and my outline seems pretty solid. Now I'm working on Contracts which is a heckuva lot more pages to read. The outline for Contracts is coming along well, but I can tell it's going to be rather large. Once my Contracts outline is polished to a degree that even a hooker would be proud, then I'll move onto Torts(the easy class). Torts is last but not because it's easier to understand. I'm using this method suggested by some of my professors. It's called 3-2-1.

Basically, you arrange your classes based on reverse order of when you take finals. Start with the last final and study for 3 straight days, then the previous final for 3 days, and then (for me at least) your first final for 3 days. Then do 2 for each class. Then 1 for each class. At the end, your last study session (which will wind up being for your first final) should fall on the day before your first exam. Rocket Science! Hence you should be prepared if you start well in advance...and I have.

I never used any special study techniques before in my college experience. Instead, I just worked on problem sets until I felt ready. I actually feel organized doing things this new way.

I'm going to study my balls off over Turkey weekend while everyone else gets fat and lazy. Back to studying for me...Maybe I'll provide a weekend update sometime.

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