Monday, November 12, 2007

Highlighting at bar

I suggest for students in higher education to learn how to study in the bar. It builds skills needed to overcome distractions. It's not easy at first, but you'll learn to adapt. Here is a method that I gathered from various sources for bar study. In briefing cases, you need to be aware of the Facts, Procedural history, Issues, Rules, the Holding, and most importantly the analysis of the case at hand. You can't really take the laptop to the bar because you might spill your beer on the keyboard. The same goes for pen and paper. So your best option is to book brief and pray you don't soak the pages in suds. Use 5 different color highlighters. Yellow for facts and procedural history, orange for issues, green for rules, blue for analysis, and pink for the holding. When you get home, all you have to do is brief the cases on paper according to your color coded pages. Simple, eh? Genius it is, but I cannot take credit for inventing this method of study.

Warning: You will attract bar sluts that seem to think it's cute to study at the bar. Take caution though or I'll be representing you on your future negligence claim.

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