Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lucky you...two posts this evening

Hah!!! This is great. I often jot down great quotes that I hear during class, either from the professor or other students. I also jot down stupid quotes from stupid people during class for my later enjoyment. As I was studying this evening, I came across a page of notes and at the top I wrote (verbatim):
"Are there any supplements that tie all of these laws together?" Quote from Dumb-ass #2 (10/03/07).
This was in reference to the Louisiana Civil Code which is nothing but statutes...oh and by the way, they're organized by category. You're in law school dude...learn to comprehend.

I'll catalog my collection of this semester's quotes after finals. You'll be entertained by my note taking.

Three of my favorite quotes from professors this semester:

"Life sucks, get a helmet. While you're at it, grab a bag of Trail Mix and a canteen full of water."--In reference to sissies who sue.

"Don't be stupid. Eat the cheese when I give it to you. It's not a trap."--In reference to hints given for a writing assignment. Later in the semester, I noted:

Dumb-ass # 2 again: "Can we have more cheese?" 11/07

"They give you crack for free as a law student. You become a fiend and depend on it when you get out. Learn to use the stacks. During a clerkship, judges don't have money to waste on your lack of research efficiency."--In reference to not becoming too dependent on Lexis and Westlaw since they are very expensive online law library services.

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