Thursday, November 15, 2007

Eat the cheese

Tonight is about Legal Research & Writing. This evening was our last meeting for the class. Our final paper is due Tuesday evening 7:25 sharp. The good thing about tonight is that we got some cheese. The professor gave us a few tips...actually too many tips. She discussed each element of negligence and some hints as to what to include and what not to include. She discussed some precedent cases that we all should have discovered and the relevant statutes in the Civil Code. It provided a little more insight into what she expects to see, but I basically had everything she gave hints about. This somewhat irritates me because I noticed dollar signs in eyes of some of my peers as they quickly jotted down this new information. I kept thinking, "Would you please shut up? I am obviously a few steps ahead at the moment and now you're giving away all of my thunder." Most of these people wouldn't have mentioned some of the things she hit on. Now I have to refine my paper to make sure I have something else in my paper to make it stand out.

On another note, we've all been told time and time again that we're not allowed to communicate with our classmates about any of our papers until after they are due. I failed to mention this a few weeks ago, and since we're on the topic of this class it seems fitting to drop a few lines about some threats made to the class. Apparently, the professor has spies out to catch people cheating. Every time I go to the library I see groups of 1L day students with papers out in groups. They're obviously breaking the honor code. In class a few weeks ago, our professor mentioned that the faculty was discussing the possibility of giving the entire 1L class zero's for Writing Assignment 2 because it has been brought to their attention that some folks have been cheating. It seems obvious to me that if they really wanted to go catch the cheaters all they would need to do is drop in the library and open their freaking eyes. I think it was just a bluff. Personally, I don't give a monkey hole about giving the whole class a zero. That would be fantastic. Mathematics tells me that is equivalent to giving the whole class an A+ since the course is graded on a mandatory C+ curve. Obviously the professors overlooked basic mathematic principles. But heh, liberal arts majors have trouble passing pre-algebra.

By the way, no one received a zero.

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