Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Smaller families, or the lack thereof

Day one of the new semester went smooth. Although, I'm not quite sure what in the hell I'm going to do with all this free time now that I don't have a job. Sure I can study all day, but then what should I do at night? I can't go bar-hopping every night because I no longer have the cash to support that kind of entertainment. I feel lost. I feel like something from my daily routine is missing. Fortunately, today (and tonight for that matter) I had enough crap to read for tomorrow's classes to keep me busy. After all, it is nearly 2 a.m. and I haven't made it to bed yet. On a lighter note, the scenery in the day program is much more pleasing to the eyes than was the evening program. The evening program consisted of a large number of working professionals. Therefore, most of the girls were out of their prime and/or had 12 children each with up to, but not excluding the possibility of more than, 4 previous marriages. The day program...not so much baggage. The majority here are still in their prime and some haven't even reached that stage. Luckily this is law school and not my freshman year of undergrad. If it were the latter, it would be like a 65 year old pedophile watching the Chinese gymnastics team compete in the Olympics. I make it sound like it's a pool of minnows, but in reality I'm probably no where near the oldest one in any of my classes. With that said, I'm definitely not the youngest either.

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