Sunday, August 17, 2008

F no longer equals m*a. Didn't Einstein warn you?

Luckily for me, the homeless hilton accepts applications using a rolling admissions process. I'm now a jobless smuck. I'm going to purchase a tent and live out of trash bags for awhile. It's time to go full-time with school and live on student loans for a couple years. I wonder if any of the neighborhood pubs accept food stamps or WIC for the purchase of beer. My 2L year begins tomorrow bright and early with Constitutional Law. The engineering gig is now a thing of the past. Sometimes I think to myself, "What do I really want to be when I finally grow up?" This law profession idea better work out the way I expect it to. Otherwise, I may still be searching for a profession when I start collecting social security checks. That would be a disaster.

1 comment:

In Debt I am said...

Slacker? I prefer to think of it as "not an over-achiever".