Thursday, November 20, 2008

Morality and property rights

Let me first lay down the disclaimer before you read this post. If you don't like prostitution and can't handle me discussing it (not that I condone prostitution, but it sure is fun to joke about), then come back tomorrow because this may offend your precious religious/moral beliefs. Ok then, for the rest of you...sounds like you may have spent a little (maybe not enough) time north of Vegas.

A discussion was sparked in class today over property rights in cord blood, a fetus, your kidney, your arm, your leg, your third leg, you name it. Are these things property? Can they be sold? I haven't checked E-bay, but I'm sure it's out there. Then another student in class said, "You should be able to do what you want with your body parts. They're your property." Then the professor took the topic into prostitution and discussed the property aspect of prostitution related acts. Is your body property? Can you sell it?

The reason why I bring all of this up is because I view things from a totally different perspective. Who gives a damn about property rights with regard to selling your body? I think its blown (yeah funny word when discussing prostitution, eh?) out of proportion by discussing the property rights. Prostitution is not about selling your body contrary to what most dimwits think. My view is that it's selling your services. It's no different than flipping burgers at McDonald's. Think about it. A prostitute provides pleasure to those that seek out the services. In return for the service, one fronts the money. When the service is rendered, the transaction is completed. How is that any different than a barber or chiropractor? Are barbers selling their bodies when cutting your hair? The hands become occupied and can do nothing else. So tell me how it's different. Is it because it requires no education to spread the legs? I think not. Is it because it's immoral? That's ridiculous. Don't let morals get in the way. Those are over rated. Get out there and make some money. If prostitution is your cup of tea, have at it.

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