Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wine and laughter

Moot Court is a pain in the ass just like everyone said it would be. In addition to the nervousness that everyone experiences, the course requires boat loads of work which sort of take away from my free time as well as time that could be spent reading for other classes. I have a 5 page document due next week along with another oral exercise in class tomorrow. Tomorrow's oral assignment is only 60 seconds, but it gets us in the habit of addressing the court using a brief introduction explaining who I am and why I'm standing in front of the honorable judges looking like an idiot with nothing useful to say. I think this class exists for the mere humor professors' endure by witnessing a bunch of 1L tools. It's the perfect opportunity to bash us. That's all it is.

On another note...I have a new professor this semester for Contracts II. Everyone should go watch the movie "Paper Chase" and then come back to read my next post. She's a freaking doozy! She belittles us for not possessing the same level of knowledge as her. It's actually quite entertaining and somewhat exciting...except for when my turn comes around. Thankfully it hasn't happened yet. She's a good professor, but she's a pain.

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