Monday, January 14, 2008


I have a funny story about class tonight, but first I must discuss my level of anxiety I've accumulated in preparation for this 90 second personal introduction. I keep rehearsing my 90 second bio over and over on the couch and in front of the mirror. I still can't seem to get over this nervousness. If I could express my cynicism (if that's a word) towards general life issues, I probably wouldn't be quite as nervous. Unfortunately, I must keep it clean and refrain from offending others. That'll be a difficult task. This Moot Court thing has me on edge.

On to the class incident. Two people in class that love to talk a lot and express their opinions during class discussion went at it today. One dude is rather...well he's a bit odd. Last semester he threatened to sue a fellow student for brushing up against him on accident; and yes, he was serious. He also vocally expressed his discontent with a student over using profanity outside of the classroom. Today, he was at it again. The professor was leading an interactive discussion and students were blurting out comments about a particular case. Then, that guy spoke up. At the same time, another student vocally expressed his thoughts. That guy went nuts and started throwing a temper tantrum about how it pisses him off when other people speak when he's talking. The two exchanged some verbal comments back and forth, but that guy wouldn't shut up. The professor kept saying, "Come on now guys. Calm down. Let's move on." Of course, every one in class found the situation amusing which irritated that guy even more. The situation was diffused leaving no injuries. People have questioned that guy's character. I'm sure that sealed the deal. One would think a law student would be more self-disciplined, but the world is full of surprises.

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