Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Moot Court is only getting worse. Every written and oral exercise builds on the previous one. As soon as each assignment gets turned in, we're already behind in finishing the next assignment. It's leaving no time for the other courses and it's really starting to piss me off. It's beneficial. In just one month, I can see a world of difference in my ability to discuss the law orally. However, it sucks. It's just as bad as everyone says; maybe worse. We're provided with no direction and everyone is confused. The biggest problem that I have with the course is the manner in which the professors give tips to those that go visit every day during office hours. The group of us that have jobs don't have this luxury. It's really a huge disadvantage and in my mind quite unfair. I've always had a grudge against brown nosers. It is my belief that these idiots won't be able to hack it when they get out into the real world. There comes a point when you just need to figure out crap yourself. If you can't finish the assignments on your own now, how in the heck are you going to perform well in actual practice? I could keep going on and on but it really does no good. So I'll just shut up and get back to my studies.

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