Thursday, September 13, 2007

The views change

I would like to steer away from the norm this evening and discuss my thoughts on higher education as well as career choices.

College kids--a breed of individuals, although in denial, attempting to delay their start to a real life.

Yep, that's still me. However, my title is somewhat fancier now: Senior Principal Vice President-like college kid. I'm higher up on the totem pole. I've graduated past the "Let's party tonight, struggle through classes tomorrow, and party again the following night." With that being said, my view on the typical fraternity/sorority college kid has somewhat become tainted. I've lived the Gung-Ho fraternity life as an undergrad and while it was fun, it's now just a thing of the past. I made it through the graduate degree, so why now would I want to continue? Most people get to this stage, settle down with a significant other, and start living the family life. For me, it's about the advancement of opportunity for putting myself in a lush position with hopes of becoming a wealthy individual. Screw the white picket fence. Sure along the way, I will alter my stance and switch gears into family mode. For now, however, I want to live like a rock star...monetarily that is--fancy house, fast cars, and lots of disposable income. They say money doesn't buy happiness. To that I partially say, B.S. (not the degree type). It is my perception that money amplifies the happiness. In synthesis, I conclude that money does buy happiness, but only in a sense. It is for these reasons, that I believe the advancement of my education will deliver success. So, what's next after law school? Well, of a course a good job, but don't think that I abandoned the dream of being called Doc.

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