Monday, October 29, 2007

Here we go

I've reached the back stretch of the first semester. It's time to gear up for finals and put normal life on the back burner. This is where it becomes balls to the wall in an attempt to be ranked higher than my peers. It sort of irritates me that half of my class doesn't work at all, yet they're enrolled in the evening division. I have to work that much harder to ensure top performance during exams. Not only must I begin studying for finals, I must also keep up with the increasingly difficult assignments as the semester comes to an end. In preparation, I've created a detailed schedule that demands 5 hours of study a night at minimum. That of course doesn't include my loss of freedom during the weekends. No beer, no football, no sleep...just studying. The next month is nothing but Hell. Kind of exciting, eh? The nerves are beginning to twitch, but I'm ready to rock-and-roll. Caffeine is now my best friend in much the same way that crystal meth is to economically disadvantaged redneck junkies who strip at the local Watering Hole in the presence of truck drivers and 80-year pedophiles. Wow, I can actually relate.

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