Monday, April 28, 2008

Bling bling

I'm coming down of my stress high like those meth heads do when they run out of goods. Just a couple more days and year one will officially be in the books. Once I make it through Contracts II and Property II, I'm home free. My Contracts final is Monday night. Not much time to be chit-chatty, so I'll leave you with my favorite Contracts hypothetical...

George and Phyllis get engaged to be married. George gives Phyllis an engagement ring. Phyllis becomes a hooker and decides its more fun to spread the love. George is obviously distraught. He becomes a trucker and does just the same as Phyllis. He spreads his love. In the meantime, George requests the ring back from Phyllis. She refuses to give it back. George brings suit to recover the ring. Will he be successful?

If I'm his attorney, of course he will. Without discussing the details, Phyllis has been unjustly enriched. George will be successful.

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